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Five on Shenton is a 99-Year Leasehold Condominium located 5, Shenton Way, 068808 in District 01. It comprises of 510 Units. Five on Shenton is close to Tanjong Pagar MRT (EW15), Marina Bay MRT (NS27) and Raffles Place MRT (NS26/EW14).It is due to be completed in 2017. Schools close to Five on Shenton include Columbia Business School, FY Institute of Technolofy and Outram Secondary School.
Facilities in Five on Shenton
Facilities at Five on Shenton include Epicurean Dining, Outdoor Dining, Private Lounge, Garden Lounge, Relax Pods, Reading Oasis, Surf Lounge, Day Bed Island, Outdoor Fitness, Beanwaves, Swivel Day Beds, Refreshment Bar and Laundromat.
Amenities near Five on Shenton
Residents at Five on Shenton can get to nearby supermarkets or shopping mall within the area for an array of amenities such as grocery and retail shopping, bank, eateries and more.
Five on Shenton is near to Cold Storage, NTUC Fairprice, Prime Supermarket and Sheng Siong Supermarket. It is also close to Capital Square, Far East Square, China Square Central, Lucky Chinatown, Chinatown Point and Marina Bay Sands Shoppes.
Nearest MRT Stations
EW15 Tanjong Pagar MRT Station (0.37 km)
DT17 Downtown MRT Station (0.39 km)
CE2 Marina Bay MRT Station (0.61 km)
Nearest Schools
AusEd-UniEd Singapore Pte. Ltd. (0.32 km)
Columbia Business School (0.32 km)
FY Institute Of Technology (0.42 km)
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